Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Everyone likes a good routine...

so I've crafted one myself.  

It is important to figure out a daily face care routine in order for you to stay fresh and feel fine.  With more research I found useful alternatives that replaced my Neutrogena face wash, alcohol based make-up remover, $20 face lotion, and bleaching face mask (mentioned in earlier posts).  I have also accumulated some good skin care tips from my trusted esthetician who believes one should exfoliate their face for good shinny skin at least twice a week.   

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My Exfoliation Process:

Splash water on face before applying exfoliant.  
To exfoliate, I take a palm-full of coffee grinds and olive oil and apply it to the face. Caffeine used for skin care is known to decrease inflammation, puffiness, and body cellulite. Some research has revealed caffeine on the skin for about 15 minutes will decrease visible unflattering lumps. Not only is caffeine useful for reducing puffy blemishes and rings around the eyes, the actual grind forms the scrub for exfoliating.

The use of olive oil in the scrub will form a paste making it easier for one to apply and exfoliate the face.  The benefits of olive oil are endless.  Make sure the olive oil you select is Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  The properties of monounsaturated fats in olive oil help reduce bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol when ingested.  For skin care benefits, olive oil has been used since ancient times as a means of moisturizer.  Olive oil has the ability to keep in water, not allowing water to evaporate yielding constant moisture.  Also, olive oil contains a great amount of antioxidants which is known to help prevent free radicals from forming skin damage and even cancer.

To clean my face after using the coffee grinds, I rinse with honey.  I use honey every morning and night to wash my face as one would use any purchased face care.  You will feel a smooth satisfying sensation upon using the honey cleanser after exfoliating.  This sensation is so satisfying you will want to lick-up the honey on your face.  

As a toner, I use equal proportions of water and apple cider vinegar.  Apply this solution to a cotton swab and your face will feel a sensation of "tingy-freshness."  Apple cider vinegar has an abundance of health advantages.  Ingesting apple cider vinegar will help balance your internal pH levels; while applying it upon your skin, will also help balance your external pH levels reducing redness and irritation.  

*Another apple cider vinegar tip is in the maintenance of body odor.  One might start veering away from the normal deodorant tube due to the aluminum and chemicals found within.  If so, try applying apple cider vinegar to maintain odor.  I plan on concocting an at home remedy for deodorants and body fragrance soon enough so stay tuned :) 

To moisturize after my daily honey cleanser or my exfoliating process, I like to apply coconut oil infused with lavender essential oils.  If you purchase pure refined coconut oil and heat it to a liquid state, add essential oils, you have yourself a beautiful light moisturizer. Like every other alternative skin care use mentioned here, coconut oil does not only yield health benefits when ingesting it.  Upon the skin, coconut oil is beneficial to protect the skin from the sun as well as reduce burn. It has antioxidants which heal and protect.  Lavender essential oils is used as a sedative so it relaxes you, introduces you to your very own spa as well as focuses on acne.  Coconut oil is beneficial when rubbed on your skin, on your face, and in your hair.  Use it everywhere!  
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in closing:  
Get crafty with your personalized routine, have fun, and enjoy all of natures perks.  

How Naturally Endearing?! 

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