Monday, June 18, 2012

Do you Moisturize?

...well, I sure do.  

Coconut Oil has been and always will be my "go to" moisturizer; however, I have recently acquired a yearning to use an overnight moisturizer intended for a deeper settling.  From this, I have made my own at home moisturizer that has satisfied my interest in an overnight soak.  


Beeswax-1/2 oz. 
Cocoa Butter-1 tbs.  
Sweet Almond Oil-2 tbs. 
Coconut Oil- 4 tbs. 
Essential Oils (Lavender and/or Rosemary)- 1/2 tsp. or subject to preference 
Water- 1/2 cup (more or less)  


Note- you might want to obtain kitchen utensils that you do not usually use for cooking since residue from these ingredients will be left behind.  Steel pots and pans are preferred.  

  • add beeswax into pot and bring temperature to a medium/high heat--enough to melt the wax but not boil  
  • add the cacao butter, coconut oil, sweet almond oil and allow these ingredients to also melt
  • once all the properties are added besides the essential oils (these will go in last) angle the pot and slowly add the water.  One must whisk the ingredients when the water is added and must keep whisking in order to solidify all the properties together.  Remember water and oil do not mix so there will be a chemical reaction when the water is added.  The only way the moisturizer will unite is by whisking till room temperature.  
  • once at room temperature add the essential oils to preferred smell and poor cream into a capped glass jar.  

* * *

Beneficial Properties:  As mentioned before honey has antibacterial and anti-inflamatory properties.  The same goes for beeswax, however beeswax is also used in many skin care products as an emulsifier.  When adding water to oil, an agent must be added to catalyst a reaction in order to bring the two together; beeswax is a safe and natural agent to use.  One can go to art supply stores to obtain 100% beeswax.   

*If you are a fan of cocoa butter-- this moisturizer is for you! In the near future, I will preview a moisturizer with olive oil replacing cocoa butter. 

So for all you cocoa butter lovers...lather up! 

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