Tuesday, May 22, 2012

yoga, sweat, and blemishes...


The moment my emptied, good for nothing, facial scrub hit the sides of my trashcan, a raging light of furry flicked on in my head...


There has to be a recipe/routine somewhere out there that is more effective and cost efficient than depending on these glorified facial cleansers full of chemicals and preservatives.  

* * * 

There must be a solution out there that will free people from the toxins found in facial cleansers and masks that when washed off with a towel, turns the towel a bleached white. YES, when I washed my over-the-counter face mask off with a lime green towel, I woke up in the morning with a new hombre colored towel of white, yellow, pink, and then the original green as the last layer.  

And this was being put on one of the most sensitive organs of peoples bodies?!  

I swallowed this experience until just recently.  From this, I not only threw in my hombre towel, I also threw in the towel to ever purchasing facial cleansers again.  More so, I am not here to rant (well maybe a little); my number one objective is to unveil information of natural face remedies and more things natural that might be of help to those looking for alternative skin care products like myself.    

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